Who Will It Be?

About Me

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I am a native North Dakotan, a professor at Westminster College in Salt Lake City, Utah, and a YA writer. My first book, The Predicteds, is due out from Sourcebooks Fire in September. I'm represented by Alyssa Eisner Henkin of Trident Media Group. When I'm not writing or teaching writing, I'm an avid reader and an enthusiastic listener of podcasts (especially podcasts about books). I'm a fan of taking long walks on sunny days, browsing through the library on Saturday afternoons, and watching embarrassingly bad TV at any time. My favorite color is lunch.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

It's That Time Again...

I'm pretty excited for the first day of school. It's my favorite day of the whole year. I'm happily sharpening pencils and buying new notebooks.

In anticipation for all the school reading that will occupy me come fall, I need to relax this week and read a great book that features school. Any suggestions? What's a good book that's either set at a boarding school or features school as a significant setting? Ideas?

I'm looking forward to making a list with my fresh pencils and new notebooks!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Hiatus Is Over

Well, kids, summer is just about over, and I am *this* close to finishing a rough draft of my next book. That's just a draft, mind you, and I'm not above throwing it all away and starting over again. But at least I have something to work with.

And my course syllabi are almost ready to roll. When school begins on August 22, I might actually have everything done that needs to be done. (Might is the operative word here. I never completely rule out the possibility of a Mad Libs-style syllabus, so if you're enrolled in one of my classes, come on the first day prepared with ten verbs, ten nouns, three adverbs, and a gerund :))

If you live near me (Salt Lake City), I'll be doing some book signings in September when The Predicteds releases. Come out and say hi. I'll be mortified if my only attendee is my husband. (He's handsome, but he doesn't talk much.)

Thursday, September 1 from 11:30-1:30 at Westminster College Commons (The King's English will have books for sale there.)
Wednesday, September 7 at 7:00 at the King's English (1511 South 1500 East)
Saturday, September 17 at 7:00 at the Jordan Landing Barnes & Noble (7157 Plaza Center Drive
in West Jordan)

Blog Interviews

Thanks to the lovely Jaskirat for posting an interview with me over at her blog. Check it out.

I also did an interview over at Safari Poet, a brilliant blog chock full of book news, interviews, and reviews. You can even win a signed ARC of The Predicteds over there! Go take a look. That's my last ARC, follks.